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How to Prevent Flooding in Your Home: Key Plumbing Safety and Tips

Here's a shocking statistic: flooding is responsible for over $40 worth of damage worldwide every year. It is also responsible for more than 19% of homeowners insurance claims.

Flooding can occur anywhere, but homes in low-lying areas or near rivers or lakes are at a higher risk. While you can't control the weather, there are things you can do to reduce the risk of flood damage to your home. Well, proper plumbing system maintenance is one of them.

In this article, we will highlight plumbing safety tips and expert advice on preventing flooding in your home. Let's dive in!

What Causes Home Flooding?

Flooding is most commonly caused by excessive rainfall or snow melt, but faulty or inadequately maintained plumbing can also contribute to it. For instance, a burst pipe or other plumbing issues can cause more damage if noticed too late.

This is why it's important to ensure that your plumbing system is properly maintained and in working order, even when you're away from home for extended periods.

Plumbing Safety Tips to Prevent Home Flooding

In addition to familiarizing yourself with common causes of home flooding, there are several steps you can take to protect your home from flooding. This includes identifying and addressing potential issues before they become a problem.

Here are seven other effective plumbing safety tips.

Regular Inspection

One of the most important steps is to inspect your plumbing system regularly. This includes looking for signs of leaking or clogged pipes, inspecting drain traps and drains for blockages, and checking for any signs of corrosion or rust.

Basements and crawl spaces are often the sources of water damage during flooding. So, inspect & maintain these areas regularly and check for mold or water damage signs. Insulating the walls can also help keep the area dry and free from damage.

Additionally, it's important to check for any signs of faulty water heaters or sump pumps. Regular inspection can help determine which plumbing materials need repair or reinstallation in your home.

Maintain Proper Drainage

Proper drainage is essential to preventing flooding in your home. Check drains regularly to ensure they are clear of any debris or buildup. Use chemical drain cleaners sparingly and keep pipes and gutters cleared of leaves, twigs, and other materials that can block or impede water flow.

The most common proper drainage methods are grading the land around your home, installing French drains, diverting runoff away from your home, and lengthening downspouts. Also, ensure the gutter drains are working, and the soil around your home is sloped away from the foundation.

Seek Professional Plumbing Services

When it comes to plumbing safety and tips, it's important to use professional services. Don't wait until you have a plumbing emergency to reach out. A professional plumber can proactively identify and address potential plumbing issues in your home. As a result, you can avoid costly repairs or replacements for your plumbing system.

Professional plumbing services will ultimately help you save money on energy bills by ensuring your system runs efficiently.

Keep Your Home's Water Pressure at a Safe Level
High water pressure can cause stress on your pipes and plumbing system, leading to leaks, bursts, and other damage that can result in flooding. So, have a professional plumber install a pressure regulator to keep the pressure safe and consistent.

This device reduces the pressure of the water entering your home from the main water supply line. They should also install an adjustable valve that controls the water pressure, ensuring it stays within a safe range.

If you notice any signs of high-water pressure or leaks, such as banging pipes or water spots on walls, ceilings, or floors, contact your plumber immediately to prevent potential flooding.

Install a Water Alarm

A water alarm, such as the Flo Smart Water Monitor and Shutoff, alerts you when there is excess water in your home. You can place it near appliances like your washing machine, dishwasher, or water heater or in your basement. It will then notify your phone or other devices where water leaks or flooding are more likely to occur.

Water alarms are a relatively inexpensive and easy-to-install solution to help prevent home flooding. They are especially useful when you may not be present in the home or can immediately notice water leaks or flooding, such as when you're away on vacation or at work.

However, it's important to note that water alarms are not a substitute for properly maintaining your plumbing system and appliances. Regularly inspecting your pipes and plumbing system, installing a sump pump and are all essential steps to prevent home flooding.

Install a Backwater Valve

A backwater valve is designed to prevent sewers and drains from backing up and flooding the home when the main sewer line is overwhelmed with water or sewage. It allows wastewater to drain out of a clogged line but prevents the reverse water and sewage flow from entering the home.

A backwater valve also helps to maintain adequate water pressure and prevent negative pressure, which can lead to water backup and flooding.

Disconnect Hoses

Disconnecting hoses in your home can prevent home flooding in several ways. First, it ensures that the water pressure in the hoses is released so that when there is a heavy storm, water cannot build up in the hoses and enter your home.

Also, disconnecting hoses keeps outside water out of the plumbing system, excess water on your property will not get into or pool near your home, reducing the risk of water accumulation near your house due to heavy rains.

Contact Express Home Services

Understanding the potential for flooding, and taking the necessary steps to avoid it, can help preserve your home's safety and value. So, follow the above plumbing safety tips to prevent flooding in your home and avoid costly repairs.

If you want more information on plumbing safety and tips, contact Express Home Services. We offer our customers the best and most affordable plumbing repair and installation services across Utah and Las Vegas, Nevada.  Call us today to ensure comfort and safety in your home.